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- #ifndef EXEC_NODES_H
- #define EXEC_NODES_H 1
- /*
- ** nodes.h for ACE Basic
- **
- ** Note: Translated to ACE by ConvertC2ACE
- ** @ MapMeadow Software, Nils Sjoholm
- **
- **
- ** Date: 09/02/95
- **
- **
- */
- /*
- ** This are the StructPointer defines for nodes.h
- */
- #ifndef MinNodePtr
- #define MinNodePtr ADDRESS
- #endif
- #ifndef NodePtr
- #define NodePtr ADDRESS
- #endif
- /*
- ** End of StructPointer defines for nodes.h
- */
- #ifndef EXEC_TYPES_H
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #endif /* EXEC_TYPES_H */
- /*
- * List Node Structure. Each member in a list starts with a Node
- */
- NodePtr ln_Succ /* Pointer to next (successor) */
- NodePtr ln_Pred /* Pointer to previous (predecessor) */
- BYTE ln_Type
- BYTE ln_Pri /* Priority, for sorting */
- ADDRESS ln_Name /* ID string, null terminated */
- END STRUCT /* Note: SHORTINT aligned */
- /* minimal node -- no type checking possible */
- STRUCT MinNode
- MinNodePtr mln_Succ
- MinNodePtr mln_Pred
- /*
- ** Note: Newly initialized IORequests, and software interrupt structures
- ** used with Cause(), should have type NT_UNKNOWN. The OS will assign a type
- ** when they are first used.
- */
- /*----- Node Types for LN_TYPE -----*/
- #define NT_UNKNOWN 0
- #define NT_TASK 1 /* Exec task */
- #define NT_INTERRUPT 2
- #define NT_DEVICE 3
- #define NT_MSGPORT 4
- #define NT_MESSAGE 5 /* Indicates message currently pending */
- #define NT_FREEMSG 6
- #define NT_REPLYMSG 7 /* Message has been replied */
- #define NT_RESOURCE 8
- #define NT_LIBRARY 9
- #define NT_MEMORY 10
- #define NT_SOFTINT 11 /* Internal flag used by SoftInits */
- #define NT_FONT 12
- #define NT_PROCESS 13 /* AmigaDOS Process */
- #define NT_SEMAPHORE 14
- #define NT_SIGNALSEM 15 /* signal semaphores */
- #define NT_BOOTNODE 16
- #define NT_KICKMEM 17
- #define NT_GRAPHICS 18
- #define NT_DEATHMESSAGE 19
- #define NT_USER 254 /* User node types work down from here */
- #define NT_EXTENDED 255
- #endif /* EXEC_NODES_H */